4 “key” career lessons that helped Will Smith turn a debt of $2M into a fortune of $350M!

Will Smith is a billionaire, great Hollywood actor, and inspiration.

Will Smith owes the IRS over $2.8 million in 1990. Compared to the money he “burned” on automobiles, jewelry, and his entourage, this is nothing. His account was empty.

Will Smith partied hard with DJ Jazzy and The Fresh Prince. They won Grammys, toured the US, and had a string of successes.

However, it became worse when the IRS came to Will Smith’s door and took his possessions and income.

Will Smith was cast in “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” in 1990 without knowing it would launch his acting career. He’s studied blockbusters to become a movie star since then.

Will Smith reached his goal after several setbacks. Forbes labeled him “a global box office star” and Newsweek made him “the most powerful actor in Hollywood”.

Will Smith had several Oscar nominations. His films grossed over $7.5 billion globally. He’s worth over $350 million. From debtor to entertainment industry millionaire, how did the actor succeed?


“My dad owned a business. For whatever reason, he wanted to erect a storefront wall that year. He demolished the 9m-long, 5m-high wall. My brother and I dug a 1.8m-diameter foundation hole.

My brother and I built the wall after school for 1.5 years. Recently, I thought, ‘This location will be a hole forever’ as I viewed the wall. We’ve laid the last bricks.

My father replied, ‘From now on, never tell me that you two can’t achieve anything’ “Will Smith remembered.

The initial step is usually hard, especially with a great responsibility. Will Smith sees the wall as bricks, giving him a psychological advantage over his competition.

Don’t aim to build a wall. He says, “No one says, ‘I’ll build the biggest, most beautiful wall in the world.'”

“You must aim to place every brick properly so that no brick in the world is more lovely than the one you’ll lay in 10 minutes. Keep doing that daily to create the wall.”

Always focus on bricks, not walls, no matter the project or stage. If you don’t know why, you’ll never finish the wall. You’ll be OK if you have a goal and break the strategy into small portions.

02: Talent and skill separate

I’ve never considered myself talented. My strange and rigid work ethic is my strength. I work while others sleep. Will Smith says he works while others eat.

The difference between talent and skill is one of the most misunderstood ideas for ambitious people. Talent is yours. Perfecting skills requires hourly practice.”

Better to exercise without talent than talent without practice. The harder you work, the more opportunities you have to beat others who started well but slept.

Most are afraid to start, and the rest will quit. Therefore, you have several chances to win. With patience and a long-term view, you will improve. Every area may be improved.

Not everyone starts at the same level. Your progress may be slower. You may face challenges.

At least you started and practiced. That’s why “hard work makes up for intelligence”.


Joy always comes with loss, like grief and suffering. Overcoming obstacles is key to happiness. This will make you appreciate tiny things “said Will Smith.

People who have endured great suffering say it makes them stronger. There is always a method to recover from loss, whether it is a loved one, financial loss, or life failure.

Things can always be fixed, especially in business. Example: Will Smith. The actor owed 3 million USD due to his drunkenness. Despite people’s doubts, Will Smith learned from his fall and stood up. He is now a Hollywood millionaire.

04: FEAR

“Fear drives me. Afraid of terror. Just hate being afraid to do stuff. “I’ve trained myself to face my fears since childhood,” remarked Will Smith.

Fearing and hating fear alter people’s behavior. If you don’t want to jump but hate being terrified, the second emotion will win. You’ll do the opposite of what you planned.

One of Will Smith’s worst films is “After Earth” (2013). Ironically, it says, “Danger is real, fear is just a choice.”

Will Smith did that with the film that year. He took a risk and failed, but that didn’t stop him from tackling challenges. On Monday, the actor was informed of the film’s failure:

My life changed on Monday when I realized only love can replace the gap. No amount of winning, money, or achievement is enough. Love alone can satisfy your needs.

I will always remember the day I switched from being passionate about winning to wanting the best and deepest relationships in my life “Said Will Smith.