NLE Choppa spoke out for the first time since his mother announced his disappearance

NLE Choppa spoke out for the first time since his mother announced his disappearance

Choppa NLE refutes After his mother went looking for him, he vanished.

NLE Choppa took to Twitter on Saturday, October 21, and released a statement about X, who was rumored to have vanished on Friday, October 20. His mother, Angela Potts, asked his followers to get in touch with her if they knew Choppa’s whereabоuts in a heartbreaking social media post. This led a number of followers to conjecture that he might have vanished.

The Memphis rapper, however, refuted the reports that he was missing, saying that he was just taking some time for himself. Choppa also criticized those on social media who propagated a bogus missing narrative.

“I appreciate ya’ll concern but the missing narrative isn’t cool, especially knowing that people really do go missing everyday,” he added in a note. “I needed some alone time to reconnect with my roots, but don’t worry, everything is OK. I apologize to everyone who was concerned. We face down conflicts rather than retreating from them. I’m back [emoji of a purple heart].

After expressing worries about her son, NLE Choppa’s mother apologizes.

Following her public search for her kid on Saturday, NLE Choppa’s mother, Angela Potts, shared an update on her son’s location.

She offered gratitude to her followers on Instagram for their support and apologized for any uncertainty she may have created by her disappearance.

“I appreciate your support and prayers. Choppa’s alright. He wаnted a moment, but he didn’t tell his family,” she elaborated in her remarks.

“I never intended to scаre anyone with my post nor did I expect for people to think he is missing,” she said. “But the frustrations of being the mother of a celebrity can be a bit much and overwhelming at times.”

NLE Choppa is finally okay and back on the road amusing his fans.